



One-stop-shop booking platform for regional tourism

Booking System, SaaS Website, Multi-brand, Design System

Long story short

A platforms that allows tourists to find and book accommodation and activities for their holidays or days out. The information, prices and availability of the accommodation and activities are managed and adjusted by businesses within the region.

My role

Product Design
UI Engineer



As a member of the Design and Front-end teams, I actively contributed to daily operations aimed at improving user experience across diverse client projects, from initial design concepts to front-end execution.

Disciplines involved (A-Z)

Design — Development

The Challenge

Achieving a scalable and future-proof design while working within budget and strict deadlines on an end-to-end project.

Consolidating styled


Travelbase needs a way to manage the increased number of brands adopting the system because the current approach of customizing the styling for each brand has become costly, even with a design system and component-based setup.

Our goal

With more customers accessing the platform from mobile devices, it was imperative to adopt a mobile-first mentality. We needed an improved and simpler way to manage changes without increasing costs for our clients.

UI Overhaul

Reduce moving parts

I've improved the setup by reducing the number of colors in the theme, making it easier for each brand to customize. Along with simplifying the color scheme, I also enhanced accessibility by ensuring proper contrast ratios and improved typography consistency for better readability.

Components were optimized to a reusable standard, allowing changes to be made in one place and propagate consistently throughout the system.

Improved UX for our custmers

The Oportunity

Elevate the future of Travelbase by transforming its fastest-growing booking platform.

Our goals

In addition to revamping the design systems, we aim to enhance the platform by adding an agenda, an activity planner, optimized accommodation listings, holiday packages, and improved search, filter, and sort functionalities.

Travelbase - Activities Planner
User research revealed that visitors struggled to easily find accommodations. By adding a homepage search feature on hompeage and improving interaction, we significantly improved access to accommodations.
Travelbase - Activities Planner
We introduced a new section called "Agenda" to enable our clients to add activities. To support this, we designed the activities planner to help users organize their holidays effectively.
Travelbase - Activities Planner
Search is at the core of our platform. To make it more user-centric, we redesigned it and enhanced its UX by providing better guidance. This helps users understand their current location, what actions to take, and ensures they don't forget essential information about their reservations.

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Complex IT made clear. Sustainable, on time and within budget.

Digital Development Agency, Saas  |  Amsterdam, NL

2021 - 2022


Travelbase platform

Booking System, SaaS Website, Design System

Featured work


Case Study2024

Setting the foundations for an immersive shopping experience.

eCommerce, Website

UX and EyeCandy.

© All rights reserved. Images belong to the brands.